Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Excuse this intereption.

A Breif Message from our Writer.


I am me.

You can be you.

I won't mind. Part of the great thing about this world is its diversity. Sure I want whats best for all the people I know and love, and I may not agree with you on everything but thats also apart of life. I'm not gonna try and tell you who you are, that up to you to decide.

I know not everyone is gonna agree. But thats also part of life.

I'm also pretty sure they're may be those people who read this and will get totally offended for some reason or other. My intention is not to offend, its to vent some frustration.

Anway again I reinterate.

I will be me, you can be you. We don't have to agree on everything, we might not like all the same things, but until the day where I am you and you are me, please just be yourself.

- - - -

After thought stuff

Ummm ok so I just read this over, and it makes like little to no sense. I'm leaving it up because well I want to.

I wasn't trying to be all inspirational or anything I was just frustrated from people and rather than bottle it in and wonder what would happen if I didn't vent the frustration, I poured it out onto here.

Anyway I hope all of your days are well.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Cinamon Rolls!

So last night I have a dream about Cinamon Rolls! Warm Gooey fresh from the oven with mounds of icing Cinamon Rolls! And just before I was about to take a bite out of the sugary goodness, I woke up :( THis put me in the mood for Cinamon Rolls all day which I didn't get til around lunchtime, and they were store bought pre made stuffs. No matter they were still yummy :3

Also I was singing today. I still think I sound a little well crappy, but thats probably mostly due to the fact that I haven't sang in a while. In fact I was making up songs, more songs that sound like they belong as part of a musical, but still, and as usual since I didn't write it down or record it as soon as it showed up in my brain the songs I made up (I had two seperate songs going) are now vanished, can't recall how they went at all :(

Last nights episode of TBBt had me laughing and squeeling like some stupid fangirl (which yes I'm a fangirl but when I say this I'm reffferring to the over the top OMG I'm gonna die if I don't satisy my fandom hungers fangirls) BUt anyway I just loved it it was soo sweet, and I'm thinking if the writers keep saying there's never gonna be a canon Shenolope or Shenny or S/P or whatever you call it, than why, why on earth do they feeed the fangirls with episodes like last nights? I'm not saying I don't like it, in fact I am Shenny Shipper, I'm just saying and rambling nonsense like usual.

Anyway on to other things Star Trek came out today! WooT! Awesome I loved that movie it was sooo Eeee! I'm not that big of a Trekie of anything, didn't see much of the orginal series the movie is based on, I wanna say roughly based on seeing as the creators changed the time/storyline. But yeah I don't really know much on the matter

Hmm in other news. I dog sit next week. YAY! Which means Filming!! Double Yay! Or at least hopefully filming thats when the new scheduled filming time was set but I'm not a 100% sure it will happen. I really hope it does but I still haven't found someone else to help like I need them too. :(

Anyway I beleive thats th end of this ramble, so tata for now.

OH! Before I forget, if you read this, feel free to leave comments, they can be describing how your day went or even sstating your opinions of something mentioned in the journal posts. You can ask questions, any questions that pop into your brain, I can't guarantee I'll answer alll questions, but will try my best to. ^^

Anyway TTYL

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Long Time No Post

So really my life got real dull real fast. Not that it was ever of mucbh excitment, like the series I'm planning on filming (at least filming part of it)

Anyway packing for basic, I realize "Hey! I have no idea how to pack!" So I enlisted the help of my mother! Yep! And she helped by sitting next to the box and asking me questions and packing what I handed her, while I sorted and packed as well. Turns out my insecuritiies and stuff was all in my brain. Heh, I'm insecure! Dadada! Another epiphanie!

I really do have some issues don't I? But hey everyone has insecurities and if you dare tell me you don't well than you lie! Lie I say!!

Anyway as I was sayoing before my life has become well, blah, I haven't written any of my stories or fanfics like I promised I would, I haven't been running or working out like I really need to, all my attention has been focused on that film projject of mine I mentioned earlier. Which may not even begin filming before I leave for basic like I want. :( No! Ok no I plan to at least have some of it filmed at least the first episode (which is as lame as any other pilot out in the world ...seriously even after I have it posted I don't recommend watching the show until episode 2 than going back to episode 1 if you like)

But yeah.

OMGosh! I sooo need to tell you guys out there, I was woken up yesterday at 4 in the morning! Seriously 4 AM! by some dimrod who decided to go revving his stupid car engine as loud as he could, twice! Seriously who does that? I can understand some people bein up by 4 and wanting to get started on their day and all but really revving your engine while others are trying to sleep!? AUGH!

Ok thats rant done and over with. So to sum up my life.

I plan on filming a short episode of my series before leaving for basic on the 8th
Pretty much all my stuff is packed
I've been watching Inuyasha instead of writing like I need to be
And I'm going to die in basic training because I haven't been working out or running

Ok now that we're all caught have you been? ^_^

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Stuff to do

Well before anything else, weird dream last night. At one point John Krasinksi (as Jim) Steve Carrel (as Michael) and Jenna Fischer (as Pam) lll showed up. Yeah Michael was trying to do some project and had dragged Jim and Pam to help. I'm guessing it was a film project cuz Jim was carrying a camera. Well somehow the dream changed to be very similar to that of a modern day fairytale romance. Prince moves to america searching for princess, Prince sees girl defend young man against bullies and goes to help, Girl and Prince start hanging out become good friends, at formal dance Prince reveals that hes a Prince, Girl totally flips out, and thats where I woke up.

Anyway in other news, I passed my drivers test yesterday so tomorrow Ima gonna get me my drivers liscence Yeeeee! How exciting, that tet was short felt like 5 minutes of quick drive around town then I passed. WooHoo

So in the category of stuff I need to do, I NEED to finish cleaning, sorting, and packing my room, what a pain, but it must be done. I need to gain weight/work out more to prepare for basic, another big pain.

In the category of want to do's. I want to buy a camera after wich I want to film a short 'movie'? I guess thats what I'll call it. I want to write another chapter to Fly on the Wall and Unbalanced. I also want to write more to The Vespa. I want to do something else, I just can't think of it at the time.

Anyway side note JIm Parsons is cu-ute! ^_^

Anyway hope whoever is reading has/had an enjoyable weekend. G'Luck during the rest of your week, unless you have any perfomances then Break a Leg.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Highlight of My Day

So as lame as it may sound the highlight of my day today was watching the clip that Gabriel Iglesias (extremley funny dude by the way) posted as the clip that got him banned from Nickelodeon. Really funny, I then proceeded to watch the rest of the clips he has up on youtube, and laughed some more. On a laugh high now I went and watched a couple episodes of Big Bang Theory

(I'm obsessed!! Help me, I'm addicted, I need help! Don't get me wrong it an awesome show, I love it, but after having looked up trivia for the show, its actors, reading fanfiction, finding fanart, and having caught myself acting like Sheldon on more than one occasion. I have to the logical conclusion that I'm addicted and should seek help, I'm not gonna any more than typing it here, cuz I love that show too much.)

Anyway coming back from that tangent my day has been lame (entirley my own fault I really could do something with my life I just choose not to) I'm trying to upload a video on youtube which refuses to upload, its nothing really just me being bored and rambling via video. I also tried making cookies today! I was halfway through mixing ingredients went to the fridge to grab eggs and discovered there were no eggs in the fridge!! It was upon this moment I remembere that I had hardboiled the remainder of the eggs yesterday for some egg salad.

Seriously! My memory sucks that much!!

Its November! AAAAAAAH! The fear of having to go to basic is setting in.

I am too addicted to technology to be without it for 8 weeks! :( (how sad is that?)