Saturday, October 31, 2009

oh yay! [RANT WARNING]

Its another book to movie adaptation I will hear no end of. Cirque du Freak : the Vampires Assistant came out friday was it, anyway we went and saw it today.

I loved it by the way, I only read 4 maybe 5 of the book series, but based off what I read it was a pretty good adaption, I sort of want to read the rest of the books now but its not the like this dieing OMGosh if I don't read them my life will forever be in ruins type thing, you know? Anyway the music was awesome, I liked the plot, the effects were definatley better than that of a previous vampire movie. Sure they added, took away, and jumbled, but really I would expect no less of a book to movie adapation. ^_^

Anyway but my main thing now, is that I have to deal with all the "thats not the way the book was." crap about this movie now too. Yes I know its your opinon you all are allowed to voice your opinion yadda yadda yadda but seriously if you really expect 17+ hours of a book to be 'correctly' portrayed in a 2 to 3 hour long movie well hoenstly, its never gonna happen.

Ok it might or possibly may have already, but really there is no pleasing everyone, you have to remember that not everyone visualizes books the same in their brains. The author, the screen writer, director, actors, costume makers; they each have a different idea of what the movie should be like, so really thats what we should try and think of book to movie adaptions as, the rare glimpse into how other people visualize and they think of these stories that we also love.

I really hope that the above rant was at least coherent, and please no one take a offense, its just my opinion plus some frustration I needed to get out. Anyway feel free to make your own input.

Also please vote in the 'What's Your Crazy Poll' yeah I know its lame and all but I have no life I know I'm crazy and I want to see how other people feel they are crazy.

Weird Dreams

So last night had a weird dream, didn't start out that way. Started out younger siblings had a snow day so couldn't go to school, so instead we went to the mall, where I lost track of everybody, yeah so far not all that unusual.

So I went off adventuring and wound up bumping into someone who owned the most adorable dog you'll ever see. Anyway the owner of said dog was Jim Parsons/Sheldon Cooper, umm he talked like he was Sheldon Cooper but he was so happy-go-lucky that it couldn't be Sheldon. Anyway I think at this point in the dream I was either sposed to be somehow Sheldon's younger sister (which he doesn't have by the way so I have no idea why I'd be that) or I was sposed to be Penny, cuz I don't think I was me. Anyway so Jim/Sheldon and I flirted and jested for the remainder of the dream.

Yeah thats the most I remember of the whole thing. I beleive I need to get a life, and become less addicted to Big Bang Theory, if thats even possible!

SO yeah Panera bread is awesome! I love their Broccoli Cheddar soup.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Do petitions work?

My whole life people have been asking me to sign petitions. Stupid peices of paper with a cause written at the top and a gazilion little lines beneath it for people to sign. Well of course now a days in the new modern lazy boy era, pettiotns have changed to forward this email to all your friends(lamest one by far, how on EARTH do you track that thing, stupid garbage chain e-mail should be devoured by the monster comp)or on facebook you join those little apps or groups to say "oi! Change back facebook" (never happens) even twitter "Follow this person to join this cause" yadda yadda yadda.

But seeing all these petitions and groups and people to follow gets me thinking do petitions even really work. I mean I remember all the different groups I was asked to join when facebook made its first 'improvement' and everyone went all in an uproar going no! We want the old facebook back, they never did gete the old facebook back. Personally I got on facebook, didn't notice a thing til everyone started complaining and went oooh yeah thats whats different, then also began to join the complainers.

I mean I know I've heard before with the olden day sign this slip of paper, for a cause I don't know what and if we get blah blah blah amount of signatures we can have such and such changed. I don't even know if any of them worked! I was too laxzy to follow up.

So my question to you is do petitions really work? I'm being serious, genuine curiostiy here folks, I dunno whats what or who's who or why they provide 50 lines when they need a hundred signatures. Anyway so yeah, really do they work?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Day of Epiphanies

So today the family and I went to the all for lunch, where I went to Chik-fil-A.

While eating my lunch and drinking my cookies-and-cream milkshake it dawns on me that "Hey! Cookies-and-cream ice cream is just vanilla ice cream with cookies bits mixed in it." Seriously dawned on me just today, after years of eating this kind of ice cream. Then eating my waffle fries it dawned on me that much like regular fries and a frosty I can dip the waffle fries in my cookies and cream milkshake. Before this realization it dawned upon me that waffle fries are made of potaoes.

But yeah its still snowing, and at 4:00 I have to be at my recruiters office for my 45 day meeting.

Holy COW! 45 days until I have to go to basic, I better start running, and lifting weights again. :( I also have to sort all my stuff between storage, tech school, and give away.

Anyway watching Big Bang theory, zoned out, forgot what on earth I was talking about, and so I guess I'll leave it at that.

So something sad is discovering you're talking and acting like a charcter from a television show or movie. Whats even sadder is discovering that character your mimicking is Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory.

As much as I love him, I don't want to be Sheldon Cooper.


I've notice a tendency to get slightly crazier when I'm bored. Not saying that I would claim to be sane when I'm not bored, but when bored definatley get crazier.

For instance the other day I found myself in a very heated argument with myself. I can't recall what exactly about or even why it started, but I was arguing with myself.

That's how half my story ideas get started, conversations with myself. Sometimes after that I can't write the storty unless I speak it aloud, which kinda bites considering I'm not very good at clarifying at who's speaking when aloud, I know who's talking because I'm adding all the other details in my brain, but basically I do just act out my stories. I really need to learn to just sit down and write them down or type them.

Oh! thats another thing, converting handwritten stuff to the computer, yeah it helps with the editing and everything but all in all I find it a nuissance. I mean it wouldn't be near as bad if I'd just handwrite the entire story until its finshed instead of what I do do which is to hand write some get motivated to write again go to the computer to write, end up transferring hand written stuff and lose motivation.

Speaking of motivation, writers/artists block is one of the most annoying things, staring at the pages knowing you need to write more, knowing what you want to write but just unable to get it written. Its like baking cupcakes almost, but not. No actually forget that its nothing like baking, baking is all about patience where as writers block is about trying not to tear you own head off in frustration, which is more anger managment.

However this started out as a post about boredom so let me get back to my originally point, anyway usually when I'm bored and wanting to go crazy with the talking to myself, dancing like a maniac, acting out my unwritten stories, and such. Im either alone home or in a public place where I'm 98% certain I'm never gonna see these people again. HOWEVER today turns out to be a snow day, which means my 3 younger siblings are home today as well (Yes I'm 20 years old and still live with my parents, so sue me. Its only for a couple months more) So anyway this means that I can't go crazy from boredom, which means I have to sit here in silence and just let the crazy build up. Its not fun.

I hate snow.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Birthdays. They bite.

Today I turned twenty. No big deal really I feel the same as I did when I was 19, which if you beleive it was the same I felt when I was 16. With a few exceptions. Those exceptions are all my friends are online.

Its no joke it's really true. I mean sure I have aquaintances with whom I speak offline in the real world. But all my real close friends are online. They didn't used to be, but then people moved or went to college, starting off on their lives and all, and here I wait, alone. Yeah I know I'm being melodramatic, like any other hormonal female.

Anyway so I'm twenty, I got one birthday card in the mail, which made my heart sink in my chest a little. But people still wished me birthday greetings online, which is all good and fine. ^^

I babysat last minute for this family who had a baby today that was nice, made me feel good. Afterwards went to a church halloween party which wasn't so fun, because I wound up just feeling alone and depressed, so I came home early and watched Big Bang theory and started this blog, ^_^

How lame am I?
