Saturday, October 31, 2009

oh yay! [RANT WARNING]

Its another book to movie adaptation I will hear no end of. Cirque du Freak : the Vampires Assistant came out friday was it, anyway we went and saw it today.

I loved it by the way, I only read 4 maybe 5 of the book series, but based off what I read it was a pretty good adaption, I sort of want to read the rest of the books now but its not the like this dieing OMGosh if I don't read them my life will forever be in ruins type thing, you know? Anyway the music was awesome, I liked the plot, the effects were definatley better than that of a previous vampire movie. Sure they added, took away, and jumbled, but really I would expect no less of a book to movie adapation. ^_^

Anyway but my main thing now, is that I have to deal with all the "thats not the way the book was." crap about this movie now too. Yes I know its your opinon you all are allowed to voice your opinion yadda yadda yadda but seriously if you really expect 17+ hours of a book to be 'correctly' portrayed in a 2 to 3 hour long movie well hoenstly, its never gonna happen.

Ok it might or possibly may have already, but really there is no pleasing everyone, you have to remember that not everyone visualizes books the same in their brains. The author, the screen writer, director, actors, costume makers; they each have a different idea of what the movie should be like, so really thats what we should try and think of book to movie adaptions as, the rare glimpse into how other people visualize and they think of these stories that we also love.

I really hope that the above rant was at least coherent, and please no one take a offense, its just my opinion plus some frustration I needed to get out. Anyway feel free to make your own input.

Also please vote in the 'What's Your Crazy Poll' yeah I know its lame and all but I have no life I know I'm crazy and I want to see how other people feel they are crazy.

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