Sunday, November 15, 2009

Long Time No Post

So really my life got real dull real fast. Not that it was ever of mucbh excitment, like the series I'm planning on filming (at least filming part of it)

Anyway packing for basic, I realize "Hey! I have no idea how to pack!" So I enlisted the help of my mother! Yep! And she helped by sitting next to the box and asking me questions and packing what I handed her, while I sorted and packed as well. Turns out my insecuritiies and stuff was all in my brain. Heh, I'm insecure! Dadada! Another epiphanie!

I really do have some issues don't I? But hey everyone has insecurities and if you dare tell me you don't well than you lie! Lie I say!!

Anyway as I was sayoing before my life has become well, blah, I haven't written any of my stories or fanfics like I promised I would, I haven't been running or working out like I really need to, all my attention has been focused on that film projject of mine I mentioned earlier. Which may not even begin filming before I leave for basic like I want. :( No! Ok no I plan to at least have some of it filmed at least the first episode (which is as lame as any other pilot out in the world ...seriously even after I have it posted I don't recommend watching the show until episode 2 than going back to episode 1 if you like)

But yeah.

OMGosh! I sooo need to tell you guys out there, I was woken up yesterday at 4 in the morning! Seriously 4 AM! by some dimrod who decided to go revving his stupid car engine as loud as he could, twice! Seriously who does that? I can understand some people bein up by 4 and wanting to get started on their day and all but really revving your engine while others are trying to sleep!? AUGH!

Ok thats rant done and over with. So to sum up my life.

I plan on filming a short episode of my series before leaving for basic on the 8th
Pretty much all my stuff is packed
I've been watching Inuyasha instead of writing like I need to be
And I'm going to die in basic training because I haven't been working out or running

Ok now that we're all caught have you been? ^_^

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